Ice Fairies 6-16-24

 6-16-24 POBR blog

I think I just got stung by a mosquito on my forehead. And my feet are cold from sitting in the river. But my heart feels full from sitting next to these people in such a beautiful place. While driving out here I was surrounded by what seemed to be melting ice fairies, smacking up against our window in defense of their mother cloud. This was truly the only moment I remember from our drive. When we arrived at our hook-up spot, the fire was still crackling. A sort of unease fell upon us when we realized someone was just here, but we very quickly reclaimed it as our own space. Sandy and Virginia rekindled the fire, making me feel like an inexperienced fawn following its mother deer with disorganized legs. I followed chaotic chatter til my eyes met the vocal cords of the forest, our campground creek. 

(Graphite drawing of River of rocks and logs)


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