Fire Maintenance 6-24-24

 6-24-24 POBR

We’ve gave up what we’ve lost. Our humanity. Our birds. our natural environment. Nothing lives in stagnance. there will always be movement. we must give up. what we’ve lost. everything we’ve lost. is what we’ve given up

As I sit here, post theatric song demonstration, I feel the water and its currents. Calling the air to move and provide, for the air is meant to be breathed. Fires are meant to burn, they too are needed for an easy breath of the forest. A fire burns the underbrush and allows new to grow with old nutrients. It prevents more fires, our goal is not to burn down the oligarchy of our 4 elements, but to stabilize them, apply pressure, and release force as needed. No matter who or what you are, you’ll always move with the flow, going against the grain can only last so long. It's like dragging something through the sand, it builds up and traps you, time for maintenance. Our truck broke down yesterday, so we had it towed, and today we had the RV towed to our campsite in Harris. Me and Gilberto rode with Chase the tow truck driver. The people I’ve met across the trip have all had an easy state of mind, one in tangent with mine. The river here sounds different than the one in Mitchel. It’s more robust and has deep flavors like my mother’s specialty posole. We sampled Mitchel’s water today, I’m excited to see the results. I think I’ll spend some more time with the river right now. 

Power Lines On Native Land

(Graphite drawings of power lines in sagebrush country)


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